AARIA POWERGEN EQUIPMENT is a liasioning Institution with experience and technical back up staff. Our team has right mix of experience, exuberance of young team and contacts at the right levels in the large infrastructure related sectors.

We are one of the leading agencies in India to represent Power Generation Equipment manufacturers from Europe.

The management of Aaria Powergen Equipment holds experience since 2006 the head office based in Hyderabad, India and branch office in Bhopal. It has been associated with many multi-nationals for the successful completion of their projects in India. During this span, we are proud to have been associated with various multi-national organizations dealing with various sectors equipment.

Our Employees and Financials

  • Head office: Top Management + 7 Employees
  • Branch Office: 4 Employees
    Management - Managing Director
    - Sales Director

Technical Support - 3 Persons
Sales Support - 5 Persons
Finance / Accounts - 1 Person
Administration - 2 Persons

All our Sales executives have minimum experience of 5 years and our Technical support have minimum experience of 4 Years

Business Generated - 12 Million Euros (Based on average last five years of orders booking)